Wellness and Fitness: Why is it most debatable topic?

People consider these inter-related words as one and the same thing, there is a major difference between being fit and being healthy. Wellness encapsulates all the aspects of a healthy life. A state that leads to a physically as well as mentally fit individual who has achieved a peaceful state of mind in a healthy body.

Most of us wonder how Wellness is not equal to fitness. Well, fitness is just about being physically healthy, however, you might still be mentally stressed out. Wellness, on the other hand, helps you cope up with all your mental issues and helps you define a lifestyle that invigorates your soul. It is more of a transformation of your internal behavior towards situations of life.

Fitness programs solely indulge individuals in achieving the marked standards of a physically fit body like weight, fat content, BMI, etc. It may also include a specific diet plan recommended by a nutritionist to maintain the physical health of a person.

However, wellness is about raising a person’s self-esteem, driving him/her to find motivation within themselves. When a person is internally healed, an optimistic and energetic mind allows him to overcome his setbacks. A Wellness program helps improve intellectual abilities of a person which in turn encourages the sense of being physically fit.

While fitness refers to physical strength, wellness is the state of having a healthy mind and body. In other words, while the former refers to physical well-being, the latter refers to an overall state of being healthy.

On the other hand, a person’s choice of food, flexibility, and physical attributes in terms of training and exercise, is what determines if they are physically fit or not. Though sometimes these two terms are used interchangeably in place of each other, yet, if we are to look at the real meaning of these terms, there are quite a few differences between them.

Develop a more positive attitude. Due to improved mood and increased self-esteem, we will develop a more positive overall attitude: we will feel happier, we will tend to have more positive thoughts, more serenity and we will reduce stress. It improves our mental agility and our attention span. After a recent and rigorous study carried out by researchers at the University of Illinois, it has been discovered that practicing sports regularly is highly recommended to keep our brain agile, awake and with a greater attention span.

When a health and exercise professional talks about wellness, what they actually refer to, is physical fitness and dexterity. But, their knowledge should also encompass a holistic approach towards an overall idea of ​​wellness, which will include the skill to learn to work with clients on larger lifestyle habits as well, as the following:


It sounds cliché, however our way of life is excessively sedentary. A good way to break this vicious cycle is to go outside. Breathe fresh air, get away from the city, take long walks, or simply go out for a walk in the street for an hour a day.



Practicing exercise not only relaxes our body, but also exercises it, preventing it from atrophying. In addition, developing our muscles improves our physical appearance and the self-perception of individuals, giving them greater confidence in themselves.



A scheme always helps to think in an orderly way: it is not only about organizing daily tasks, but about building in our mind an organized and orderly way of thinking, focused in a specific direction. Schedules and routines make our lives enter a dynamic that makes it easier to carry out all our duties in less time and in a much more satisfactory way, avoiding stress.

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